Uden Woodturning

Uden Woodturning was developed by Barry and Laura Uden to share with others the beauty of native woods that are often overlooked.


Who we are

Barry Uden originates from Kent, on the south coast of England. He has been turning since the late 1980's. Laura grew up in Southern California. Barry met Laura while she was studying in the UK, and they now reside in Northern California. Laura became interested in woodturning while watching Barry, and started turning in 2006.


Our philosophy

Although the craft has moved forward considerably in all aspects since Barry began turning, our main interest is in pure form and the beauty of the wood, with minimal embellishment.



Barry and Laura are members of a local woodturning club, the West Bay Woodturners, which can be found at http://www.westbaywoodturners.com.

They are also members of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW).

Barry is a member of the Guild of Artists and Artisans.



                                                                We sell our woodturnings in galleries as well as on our site, here.

                                                                If you see something you like and want more information, call us at 408-776-3118 for details.



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